The Prayer of Saint Francis of the Allegorian Galaxy

Infinitely beautiful Mother Universe
make each of our hearts a fractal instance
of your endless awareness, love, understanding and vitality
woven together, inside of us, between us and among all life forms
into the braid of eternal life.

Where there is injury, across the countless stars,
may we embody such radiant mercy
as to awaken the forgiveness that sleeps in all.

Where there is absent-hearted-ness
and absent-minded-ness
among the 2-leggeds and 7-leggeds
may we embody a fully present compassion
that awakens the compassion sleeping in all.

Where there is deadness masquerading as life
may we embrace life with such gratitude
as to awaken the love of life
sleeping in all creatures.

Where there is sorrow
among the myriad universes
may each of our hearts be a spacetime window
through which your Loving Presence may become
ever more manifest in the visible transmission spectrum.

Wheresoever we shall strive to mend
may we find in the indwelling presence of your Infinite Heart
a kindness deeper and stronger than all conflict.

Wheresoever we shall strive to heal
may we find in the indwelling presence of your Infinite Heart
a beauty deeper and stronger than all wounds.

May we be true to the creative life you Breathe into us every moment
and may we live in the spiral radiance of your love forever.


Translated into the Allegorian Hypertext by M345 RuneReader
March 328, 70921  --



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